SQLWindows For the Solaris Operating Environment

SQLWindows targets powerful, quick, multidatabase application development SQLWindows, Gupta's flagship development product, has helped thousands of organizations create powerful client/server applications that can connect simultaneously to multiple databases. With full object orientation and powerful facilities that help developers prototype, create, test, and debug applications, SQLWindows is the tool of choice in thousands of organizations worldwide.

Now, Gupta brings the power and flexibility of SQLWindows to the premier UNIX operating environment on both Intel- and RISC-based systems. With SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment, you can develop robust client/server applications on the Solaris platform to deploy on a mix of Windows and UNIX workstations.

SunSoft's Solaris is a popular, scalable client/server operating system With an installed base of approximately two million users, Solaris is the number one software environment for enterprise networks. SunSoft's Solaris x86 delivers 32-bit functionality and access to virtually all local and remote data from your favorite PC. SunSoft's open client/server architecture scales from x86/Pentium and SPARC desktops to 32-way multithreaded, symmetrical multiprocessing servers.

Bring scalability, productivity, and ease
to your development on the Solaris platform

SQLWindows brings the benefits of "drag-and-drop" visual development to the Solaris platform, along with an array of tools that make development quicker, more visual, and more reusable. For example, QuickForms guide you through the creation of new forms in minutes. And the QuickObjects architecture provides an object-oriented framework for easily reusing application components.

Build scalable, high-performance applications

With SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment, you can build custom applications that scale up according to your users' needs. In fact, it's the only development environment that lets you leverage the power of both the high-end Pentium and RISC architectures to take advantage of existing hardware. With SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment, you can create portable applications that scale from Windows to UNIX platforms. Source-code compatibility between platforms lets you develop an application on one platform and deploy to another with a simple recompile -- without rewriting any code.

Increase productivity and speed
development with QuickObjects

QuickObjects are data-aware, reusable components that speed development and reduce the amount of testing required to create client/server applications. Because they encapsulate the intelligence and code necessary to perform program functions, QuickObjects insulate the developer from the need to write code, making developers of all skill levels more productive. QuickObjects also make it easier to integrate Gupta-developed applications with workgroup applications.

Accelerate development with high-powered tools

With SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment, you can take advantage of SAL (SQLWindows Application Language), a full-featured 4GL, to program custom application actions and object methods. SAL provides unlimited application control and extensibility with more than 500 functions, support for multiple data sources, and efficient integration with C and C++ code. SQLWindows' unique collapsible Application Outliner gives you a big-picture view of your application and lets you easily manage the details. The Visual Toolchest, a valuable class library, provides more than 200 ready-to-use objects for immediate programming productivity.

Profit from object-oriented productivity

With SQLWindows, even your early steps put you on the path to object-oriented productivity. When you want to change an application function, you make the change once in the class and SQLWindows automatically cascades your changes to the dependent objects.

SQLWindows' OOP capabilities extend beyond graphical objects. Because QuickObjects are created on the object-oriented foundation of SQLWindows, you can use OOP techniques such as inheritance and messaging to extend the power of QuickObjects. You can save entire windows, as well as complete functions, as classes and flexibly combine them for reuse through multiple inheritance.

The Gupta connectivity advantage

Through Gupta's SQLNetwork family of connectivity products, SQLWindows applications can manage a wide range of SQL databases. SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment ships with high-performance native connectivity to Oracle, Informix, and SQLBase. via TCP/IP. In the future, additional connectivity will be available to Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, CA-Open Ingres, AS/400, and many other data sources through ODBC.

For more information about SQLWindows for the Solaris operating environment, call 1-800-444-8782, ext. 403.

SQLWindows Components

* Available in future releases

Minimum System Requirements

For more information:

Call the U.S. InfoLine at 1-800-444-8782, ext. 403.
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Call Gupta's automated fax line at 415-617-4600.

Gupta Corporation
1060 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025

InfoLine: 800-444-8782
Phone: 415-321-9500
Fax: 415-321-5471

Gupta, the Gupta logo, Gupta Powered, the Gupta Powered logo, Fast Facts, Quest, QuickObjects, SQL/API, SQLBase, SQLBase Ranger, SQLConsole, SQLGateway, SQLHost, SQLNetwork, SQLRouter, and SQLTalk are trademarks of Gupta Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. SQLWindows is a registered trademark and TeamWindows, Report Windows, and Edit Windows are trademarks exclusively used and licensed by Gupta Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© Copyright 1995 Gupta Corporation. All rights reserved.

For further information, please contact Gupta at:

Gupta Corporation
1060 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 415-321-9500
Fax: 415-321-5471
InfoLine: 1-800-444-8782 | 415-617-8500 | info_usa@gupta.com

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